Beaded Reborn/Silicone Baby Charm Bracelet
Beaded Reborn/Silicone Baby Stretch Charm Bracelet!
Teal & Clear Iridescent Pearls w/Silver Spacers & Silver Heart Charm
Sizes Available:
★ Preemie
★ Newborn
★ 0-3
★ Infant (3-12mo)
★ Toddler (12-24mo)
★★★Due to the different patterns in my bracelets, the sizing imay vary slightly.
★★★If in doubt on what size to pick, go smaller because the beading cord is elastic and will stretch to fit.are on elastic beading cord, so it wil stretch to fit.
★★★Please be mindful of how far you stretch your bracelet. Although the cord is very resilient, if it's stretched too far, it will break!
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Auntie M ♡
PLEASE NOTE: All items sold by TheRebornAccsShop are intended for use by on baby dolls ONLY and like reborn dolls, they are not recommended for use by children under the age of 13. They are in NO WAY intended for use on real infants or children and are not considered toys.